Thursday 23 July 2009

sweet tweet accolade from a fellow eco-cyclist after only 10 days a blogspot posting tweeter......

..... Thank You


" Great blog site @stroudyonon - "

I find writing a blog and generating a tweet cathartic. The views and solutions are my own and I do like to express them - I hope no one thinks they are extruded!

When a twit spams or bores me, so that I miss a Tweet or two from stephenfry, AnneliesePlace, TheGoGreenBlog, etc. I UNFOLLOW them!

Twitter is my best tool to pursue specific interests, garner information and research a particular subject. I also enjoy the continuous stream of Tweets from the humorous, the informed and the interesting to alert, update, inform, motivate and cheer me.

So I choose to FOLLOW new Twitters and UNFOLLOW others daily.

Twitter is not about
gratifying your ego through how many FOLLOWERS you have, although its nice when individuals choose to follow with real interest and friendship.

So lets enjoy RocknRoll honest comment and savour like minded humorous Tweets, whilst making this immensely powerful communication tool work for each of us in different ways.

My Blog Postings generate the majority of tweets via tweeterfeed and I intend to archive on my public Profile page and upload copy.

I either blog openly on a given subject and problem, or consult privately.