So ensuring Electric Vehicle's are the first choice in personal transport.
Compact high capacity energy storage solutions will in the future allow Users of Eco-Electric Power and Electric Vehicles, to rightfully claim their Vehicles are Wind and Solar Powered!
Ceramatec's technologies, play a major role in a great many advanced projects that have eco-benefits:
Combined Fuel Separation and Energy Generating Cells.
CO2 Capture, in New Power Stations where hydrocarbon's are used to produce Hydrogen to Generate Energy. The CO2 is separated and collected, to be pumped deep in the Earth to enhance oil/gas production - this is called Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS).
Remediation of Hazardous Nuclear and Chemical Waste.
Air and Water purification.
Geothermal Energy Production - the World's Oil Industries may soon be best employed in drilling geothermal wells and building the GeoThermal Power Stations. New Hydrocarbon fueled Power Stations together with Oil & Gas Field Development, need only in the future be lawful if based on Hydrogen Generation plus CCS!